Sound Forge And Audio Studio 16
Scripts version? 16.1
Posted on: June 14, 2022

Sound Forge 16.1 Scripts

This page contains JAWS scripts for Magix Sound Forge pro, version 16.1, as well as scripts for the less espensive Audio Studio 156 The installer below will install scripts for audioStudio 16.0 as well, and works with 32 bit, as well as 64-bit systems.

If you already own an authorization for previous Sound Forge scripts from The Snowman, then you are already licensed to use these scripts, and your current authorization file will suffice.

If you are a new user, you can purchase a license by sending $30.00, including your JAWS serial number to the following PayPal address: We will process your order when the payPal notification comes through. Remember to include your JAWS serial number, and your e-mail address, cince PayPal does not pass that information along. If you have questions, or want to confirm we know about your order, contact


If you have not already subscribed, and have not yet purchased an authorization, you can download a demo authorization below. The demo is fully functional, but requires a jaws restart every ten minutes in order to continue using the scripts.
Do not download this if you have already purchased an authorization.
Place this file in the user-specific settings area of jaws. Download Temporary Authorization File Here


To obtain The actual scripts for Sound Forge pro, and AudioStudio 16, click here: Be sure to read the Optimizations section below. Save and run this installer: Sound Forge pro 16.1 Jaws Scripts, version 0


The folloinw adjustments are recommended, for Audio Studio as well as Sound forge Pro.

When you open Sound Forge 16 for the first time, an interactive tutorial will be presented, and this is largely inaccessible. You can recognize this condition from the fact that none of the menus will activate. You can view portions of the tutorial with the touch cursor. But, to dismiss it entirely, just press alt+f4, and focus should land back in the usual MDI window. To prevent that from coming up each time your start the program, go to the help menu, and open the interactive tutorial item. There, you will find a checkbox to uncheck, which will disable that startup feature.

in the view menu, toolBars, uncheck all the toolBars, and amek sure Show ToolTips is checked.
. Otherwise, in the view menu, make sure all items are unchecked except for the channel Meters. By default, the instant Action dialog seems to be open, and that will cause problems, and you can close thatfrom the view menu.

In the options menu, general tab, it is usually best to uncheck the item about using net notify to stay informed about updates, as this often puts up a notice that barges into your usual work flow and causes problems. Those items in the general tab may be double speaking for now. That will be improved in time.

the following are also recommended:

We originally had some problems with the channel meters not being visible as text. Magix has added a new channel meter, which is called Channel Meter V2. But, the old channel meter is the text version, and is intended to be the default. If you can not see the level meters, as read by the f11 and f12 keys, go to the options menu, channel meters, and make sure the v2 version is not checked, but the other one is checked. Then, go to the view menu, and make sure channel meters are enabled.

The followin items in file forge160.ini

If you make a shortcut on the Desktop to start Sound forge, choose to run the program maximized. Because we had problems with automatic maximization logic in previous versions, that logic is still disabled. Once you get Sound forge maximized, it should stay that way. but, if you have problems, make sure that is the case manually.
Tap the alt key, and check both the document and system menus, to make sure the windows are maximized.

Initial Setup

Installing Sound Forge can be a little tricky, as the Magix installers are implemented using a framework that is less screen reader friendly. In particular, the JAWS cursor can often not see any sensible text. But, do remember, that the JAWS touch cursor is your friend, and will let you look at more objects than you would see simply using the tab key. To activate the touch cursor, press shift+the PCCursor key. Then you can use left and right arrow to explore the objects. To activate an item, press the space bar. To return to normal mode, double tap the PC cursor key.

The primary thing you need to do, once getting Sound Forge 16 installed, is setup the sound system. To do that, go to the options menu, and up arrow to Preferences, and press enter. This is a multiTab dialog, so go to the audio tab. Pick a sound system, which may take a little trial and error on your part to see which works best for you. If your playback works, but is sluggish, then choosing a different sound system may help. The choices offered there will depend on the sound card you want to use. Once that is selected, there are two subTabs, one for input and one for output. use the arro keys to select the one you want to work on first, and then press tab to go to the list of channels. In this list, up and down arrow will move through the channels. A stereo file, for example, would have two channels, so channels 1 and 2 are the left and right respectively. Each line contains the channel number, and the sound card output that will go to. Take the jaws cursor to that line, and left click on the sound card name for that channel. That will bring up a context menu that lets you alter that selection. Use the up and down arrow to choose the desired output, and Press enter when finished.

Record Options

You can also taylor the way Sound Forge records, via the Record Options dialog, which you can activate via the view menu. This seems to look identical to previous versions. It is necessary to use the jaws cursor in this dialog, to explore, and to click on things you want to change. Once you left click on the field you want to change, and be sure to click on the value part of the field, rather than just the name of the field, activate the pc cursor, and use up and down arrow to set the value, and enter to finalize your change. Nost things will work fine at their defaults.

Confirming Installation

Once all files are installed, focus in sound forge 16, and press insert+q. Jaws should say: "Scripts version 16.0.x, for Sound Forge 16". If it says that Default Settings are loaded, then the files have not been copied, and the installation was not complete. IF that happens, contact the Snowman.

Once installed and reporting the correct version, you can Use insert+h to learn about the various hot keys.

Check out the Articles section below to learn about the various editing modes.


These articles were written for SF11, but are presently believe to apply equally to later versions, and discuss various aspects of operating Sound Forge. Selecting Audio by Sound, MP3 file Skimming Audio and Selection methods MultiTrack Overdubbing