Sound Forge 8.0 Scripts for JAWS For Windows
Version 8.08

Sound forge Version 8

Scripts for Sound forge version 8.10 are now available. Changes are discussed in the next heading.

These scripts are for version 8.0d, as in david. If you are running the older version 8.0, or 8.0 ay, Please upgrade to Sound Forge 8.0d before using these scripts.

Download Sound Forge scripts version 8.10

If you do not presently own Snowman scripts for Sound forge 6 or 7, and wish to take the scripts for a test drive, you will also need to Download a Demo Authorization file for jaws 5 or later

If you presently already own scritps for sound forge 6 or 7, you do not need the demo authorization file. Your present authorization will enable these scritps as well.

Plase the contents of the zip file, as well as the demo authorization if needed, into the user-specific settings folder for your language and version of jaws.

Always take a tour through the insert+h hot key list to see what is available. With a few minor exceptions, as described below, These scripts are functionally equivalent to the scritps discussed in The Sound forge 7 Read Me file

Change History

We try to keep these scripts fully functional as changes occur in Sound Forge. But, with hundreds of controls in countless dialogs, there is no way one person can test every single one. So, if you find that features you wish to use do not function correctly, please send a report to

Version 8.10

This version simply adds a small beep indication that will play when recording starts. While recording is in progress, hold down the control key to confirm that recording is active. If sound forge is actually recording, you will hear a beep about once per second. If you hear no beeps, sound forge is not recording. Because the scritps are making this determination by monitoring the updates to the time field, which only updates once per second, or even less during the first second or two of recording, there will be an inevitable delay from the time recording actually starts, until you hear the beep.

Version 8.09

This version adds the insert+f8 key stroke, for use in the Batch converter. It creates a list of batch converter controls, arrow to one and press enter to activate it.

Version 8.08

This version has been successfully run against jaws 8.0. There are some improvements in the handling of the regions list, with new hot keys, control+shift+1 through 4 on the numbers row to read the fields of the regions list. Control+f4 should more reliably close the regions list, rather than your sound file when you are focused in the regions list. But, to edit a region, you still have to use the jaws cursor to double click the field you want to edit. After pressing enter to finalize your edit, take the jaws cursor back to the start of the line, and click the region number to make the up and down arrow keys read region names again.

The hot keys for changing scanning modes, which used combinations of modifiers in conjunction with the numPad 5 key have been changed for a variety of compatibility reasons.
Use control+windows, in combination with f9, f10 and f11 to select between, play selection, play from cursor, and audition cut mode.
Use alt+windows, in conjunction with f9, f10, f11 and f12 to choose between absolute, relative, blip mode, and audio scanning off.
I know, I hate hot key changes too. but, once you get use to the new controls, you will like them, because you can go directly to the mode you want, rather than having to rotate through the list.

version 8.08 is ready for use with HotSpotClicker, should you desire to do that. But,you don't have to install hsc in order to use them. You can add your own scripts, since the forge80.jss script source is provided, along with forge80brl.jss, which contains the braille support code. So, you can revise those files if you feel the need. The proprietary portion has been moved into Forge80Core.jsb, and the source for that part is still not provided.

Version 8.07

This version provides the reclassification of sliders to handle Sound Forge Version 8.0d, as in david.

Corrected a situation where the alt_control_m keystroke jumped the playback position to the first marker when called at a position which was not at a marker.

Some redesign of braille output, to keep the cursor time, or selection time, visible on the display.

This version opens up the forge80.jss source file so you can add custom scripts to the snowman scripts. You can more easily connect HotSpotClicker in to the forge80.jss file. The Snowman scripts are located in file forge80core.jsb, and the source is not provided.

Version 8.05

JAWS 6 did not correctly report checked and unchecked statuses of items in the Options Preferences dialog.

Version 8.04

Sound Forge version 8/0b seems to be much more responseive, and is well worth upgrading. This version addresses issues raised by changes in sound forge version 8.0B, fixxes known issues with the level meters, and adds some additional features.

Version 8.03

This version addresses some issues broken when Sound Forge updated to build 8.0A. The record dialog, the preferences page, and a few other miscellaneous items were broken. This version will not support the older version 8.0, so please upgrade. This version also makes slight improvements in the plug in chainer, but that part is not complete yet.

Version 8.02

Version 8.01

This is the initial version for Sound Forge 8. Graphical buttons in Sound Forge 8 have changed such that they can no longer be detected as graphics by JAWS. Therefore, the AutoGraphicsLabeler is no longer useful. The good news is that you no longer have to run it in all those dialogs.

The normal Stop Method still may require the control+alt+shift+t keystroke. If your NumPad arrows do not cause scanning, and you have used shift+alt+NumPad 5 to make sure your mode is set to Absolute mode, then, with a sound file open, press Shift+alt+control+t, and then press enter. Jaws will make a woarbling sound for a few seconds, while it searches out the tooltips. That should enable the arrow keys to start scanning.

The record dialog no longer needs graphics labeling.

Areas for additional work:

this version of Sound Forge seems a little more sluggish than previous versions, even with Asio drivers installed. One thing that does help some, if you are using the Windows Classic driver,is to go to Options, Preferences, then to the Audio tab. Change the Playback Buffering to a smaller number. Get it as low as you can get it without skipping. That will speed up the response somewhat.

Naturally, we would love to hear from you. Send e-mail to:

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